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- Date: Mon, 13 Oct 1997 23:41:58 -0500
- From: Bruce Van Horn <bvanhorn@FLASH.NET>
- Subject: [IML] Quest: Animated carve
- I've seen animations of a laser carving a logo into a peice of metal. How
- is that effect accomplished? I keep thinking of overly complex solutions
- and its done so often and would be such a useful effect that I must be
- overlooking something simple.
- So how do I do it?
- ----------------------------------
- Date: Tue, 14 Oct 1997 02:29:04 -0400
- From: MSWOPE <Mswope@cris.com>
- -pop- shhhrrrrr look at Conny's page -pop- look at Conny's page -pop-
- :)
- specifically May 1996.
- And your question about morphing between objects with different face
- counts?
- November 1995.
- Conny's page: www.is.kiruna.se/~cjo/
- Look for the digestive IML.
- Download the archive, save it so you can read through it while working on
- something (your computer can multitask, yes?). I think it's the next best
- thing to a manual. There is an enormous amount of information, but just
- about every question asked has been answered there. Except how the states
- work in the stage editor. ;)
- ----------------------------------
- Date: Wed, 15 Oct 1997 01:02:29 +0400
- From: Charles Blaquière <blaq@INTERLOG.COM>
- Hopefully, my solution won't be labelled as complex. It's long, but
- that's because I included every small detail. The technique itself is
- simple.
- Note: I'm thinking of obtaining the final, carved logo by using an
- altitude map. If you absolutely need the depressed areas to be modelled,
- you'll need to turn elsewhere, but most animated carves I've seen had
- the camera stay safely away from the carved area.
- My example carves a single "S" onto a metal plaque. I've ZIPped sample
- files together and placed them at
- http://www.interlog.com/~blaq/temp/Carve.zip . You'll want to create
- this directory: "D:\IMAGINE\PROJECTS\TOTO.IMP\OBJECTS\AnimCarve\" and
- unzip the files in there.
- In a paint program, draw your final logo as an altitude brushmap.
- Because it's carved out of the surface, it needs to be 0 black on 127
- grey. Always remember to give Imagine a fuzzy border at least a couple
- of pixels wide; sharp logos make Imagine violently ill. This means you
- may have to create your logo at high resolution, if you need sharp,
- 90-degree like edges on the final render.
- Now back to Imagine. Create the object that will be carved, like a
- plaque with a brushed metal texture. Apply the altitude map, sizing and
- positioning accordingly. Then, move the brush a few units in local -Y,
- and scale Y up to compensate. You want the brush to take effect
- starting a few units off the plaque's surface. To give more definition
- to the sunken area, duplicate the brush and change the duplicate's mode
- to Color, and its Mix/Morph to 0.2. In Attributes, change the object
- name to "Plaque". We'll save this object later.
- Activate Perspective Edit mode. Do a Quickrender, save the image, and
- load it into the Perspective window as a backdrop. It'll probably appear
- at the wrong size; just scale the plaque to match the backdrop. (I'd
- appreciate it if others replied with a way to ensure the backdrop is the
- right size so that I don't have to mess with my objects' sizes)
- The next step is to create one or more paths, that will define the
- animated carve effect. This is where that backdrop sure comes in handy!
- If the logo is continuous, like attached, cursive letters, you can
- create a single path that follows the imaginary pen (or laser) strokes.
- If the logo is formed of separate letters, you'll need a path for each
- letter or segment, i.e. an uppercase "A" might need one path for the
- inverted "V" shape, and one for the horizontal bar. In our example, the
- "S" can be traced with one path. (You can find this path as "Path0.iob"
- in my ZIP archive) Create the path, then rename the path "Reveal" in
- Attributes. When done, make sure the path axis has the same alignment as
- the plaque.
- Create a new object, a 1x1-section plane 100 units wide by 1 unit tall.
- Move the plane on top of the first point in the path, with the plane's
- surface floating mere fractions of a unit over the plaque. Rotate the
- plane so that its Y axis lies parallel to the initial path direction,
- and its X axis is parallel to the plaque surface. Scale in local X so
- that the plane is wide enough to cover the widest part of the sunken
- area.
- As a test, after scaling, extrude the object, using "Along path", "Align
- Y to path", and a number of extrusions similar to the number of frames
- you intend to use in your animation. In my example, I'll want the laser
- to carve the "S" in one second (30 frames), so I specified 30 extrusion
- sections. Examine the extruded object to ensure it covers all areas of
- the brushmap. If not, undo and move or resize the object. When you're
- satisfied, undo to return the object to a simple plane.
- Group the plane object to the path, with the path as the parent.
- We now want to duplicate the plaque's surface appearance onto the plane,
- but leave brushes/textures locked to the parent axis; this will allow us
- to move the plane axis at will, while leaving the brushed metal and
- carved logo immobile in space. You'll see why this is important later.
- In Pick Groups mode, pick the plaque, then the "Reveal" group, and Apply
- Attributes. Remove brushes and textures from the plane object, leaving
- the plaque's base attributes (color, etc.). Important: turn off the
- plane's Phong Shading, or we won't get a "flat label" effect later on.
- Activate the "Apply to children" checkbox for all brushes/textures in
- the Reveal path. Brush/texture placement is now independent of the
- plane. Save the path/plane group as "Reveal0-grp.iob".
- (If you had more paths to cover, you'd repeat the procedure, creating a
- skinny plane, editing it to match the start of another path, parenting
- the path to the plane, applying plaque attributes, and saving the group
- as "RevealN-grp.iob", with N=1,2,...)
- When you've created all the path/plane groups needed to trace the logo,
- remove the two copies of the logo brushmap from the plaque. Save it as
- "Plaque.iob".
- Create an empty axis, name it "Track" in Attributes, and save it as
- "Track.iob".
- Finally, to make a laser beam, follow my recipe, or search the IML
- archives at http://MAELSTROM.STJOHNS.EDU/CGI/wa.exe?S1=imagine . I just
- created a quick & dirty laser the following way: add a primitive tube,
- 12 units radius, 300 units long, 1 vertical section, with closed ends.
- It comes in with its axes wrong for our purposes, so we rotate the axis
- only 90 degrees around X, then rotate the entire object -90 degrees
- around X. Swap the Y and Z sizes (Transform axis only).
- In Attributes, change its name to "Laser", make it red, with 255
- Brightness. In the Fog panel, set length to 30, Falloff Distance to
- 11.9, Type to Axial, Hot Center, and Hotness to 5. Save as "Laser.iob".
- You're ready to put everything into place. Enter the Stage editor,
- create a default, 100-frame project, and load plaque.iob,
- reveal0-grp.iob, Track.iob, and Laser.iob. In the Action dialog, add a
- Grow.ifx F/X to the Reveal group, from frames 1 to 60. Activate "Align Y
- to Path", deactivate "Keep X in Path". This will create a dynamic
- extrusion of the skinny plane which is the path's child. As it grows, it
- will display the brushmapped logo on its surface. If you're familiar
- with TV terms, think of it as an animated wipe.
- In the Action dialog, delete the Track actor's Position bar and add a
- new one, from frames 1 to 60. Click on "Follow Path" and select the
- Reveal actor. Then delete the Laser's Alignment bar and add a new one,
- from frames 1 to 60. Select "Track to Object" and enter "Track" as the
- object. As the Track travels along the path (cleverly, the parent of the
- Reveal group), the Laser will aim at it. Cut off the Actor bar at frame
- 60, when the logo's been fully carved.
- Finally, add some lights. One of these should be a low-power, red light
- floating a small distance above the plaque's surface, to which you'll
- add an Associate bar to make it follow the Track object. This will
- create a moving glow on the plaque, to heighten the realism of the
- laser. Make sure to cut off the light's Actor bar at frame 60, to match
- the laser's disappearance. In my sample project, I added three such
- lights, lined up inside the end of the laser beam.
- And that's it. You should add some particle bursts to add to the burning
- laser effect, but that's out of my league. Also recommended is varying
- the laser's fog parameters over time to make it flicker as it carves
- your logo. This tutorial shows off some of the ways you can use paths in
- Imagine: as routes for moving objects to follow, as dynamic extrusions,
- and as animated alignment targets.